
In Migori in Kenya we have a Health care centre with a maternity ward where we employ 8 full time staff members. Nurses, a pharmacist and a general practicioner that assists the locals with their medical needs and free vaccinations. We help about 30 patients per day at our day clinic. At the Ruesse Troyer Health Care centre we currently have a zero infant mortality rates, where Kenya’s average infant mortality rate is 35.6 for every 1000 births. We however have a problem with security at the health centre and urgently need to build a fence around the premises.  We appreicate any donation towards this goal.  We are planning on building this fence this year as soon as we have the funding and the road running past the health care centre has been build.

We started our first Theological Seminary in August of 2000 with 25 students. From the start it was clear that God was working in a special way and over the years God accomplished amazing things through the students attending our Seminaries in 6 different countries. It became a tool through which God equipped men and women effectively for the work He called them for and through them hundreds of thousands lives were touched. Malawi Seminary was started in 2006 with 13 students and we opened a second Seminary in Malawi in November 2013, with a 3rd one opening in September 2018 and the student body have grown to 1000 students. We had our first two Masters graduates in July 2017. With the incredible growth of the Seminaries in Malawi we urgently require a building where we can house the students as most of them travel long distances to attend classes. God willing we are wanting to start with a building that can house 80 students. The expected cost of building this dormitory will be $40 000. We already have the land to build it we just need the funds to start building.

We have grown so much over the last 20 years that it is becoming neccessary to have our own office building from where we can run Hands on Africa operations. We require a facility that has some storage space and office space of about 1000 Square feet where we can meet with likeminded people that wants to make the world a better place one soul saved at a time, and where our volunteers can operate from.  We are looking for office space in Illinois, Will or DuPage county. We don’t need fancy marble floor tiles or a conference table made from Agar wood, polished and shipped in from India, just a place that we can call our home away from home, a Head office so that we can grow and accomplish even more! We are not fussy at all, and we appreciate any help!

The past few years Hands on Africa asked you to consider giving towards our orphans and through your kindness we were able to bless them.
We are asking you to consider a tax deductible donation of $35.00 to enable us to bless them again this Christmas with clothes, toiletries and a lovely meal. This year we need 209 sponsors to cover all of our orphans and our caregivers.

Email for more info!