Zambia January 2019

In January our team visited the Hands on Africa orphanage and seminary in Zambia.  Thank you to each and everyone who made it possible for us to bless these children with their Chistmas gift and party. We truly appreciate it! 

Whether it is weeding the vegetable garden, playing games or learning sign language to songs, it is always fun to spend time with the children.

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Our yearly Box of Hope project is an event which the kids look forward to the whole year. Not only do they receive a special meal, but they also receive treats such as sodas, cookies and candy. The boys received watches and the girls jewelry. When they opened their bags, they immediately disappeared to try on their new clothes and came back for a photo shoot! Each child also received a toiletry bag filled with toiletries and a baseball cap. Generous and compassionate people like you are the foundation of all the work we do. We are so very grateful for your faithful support

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We are excited to share the Zambia farm’s progress with you!
At the beginning of 2016 the Farm in Zambia was just a dream in the making. A new project that Bill Passaglia envisioned to create employment for the community and especially our orphans in Zambia and hopefully the rest of Africa.
Big dreams, big goals.

We are currently employing 24 labourers from the local community to work on the farm, and 2 of our own orphans will soon start their full time employment on the farm after having completed their final year of schooling.
In 2016 the farm was pure bush, difficult to access and even more difficult to grow. Now, 30 hectares have been cleared and is ready to be planted. (The farm has 250 hectares, so there is still plenty of work to be done!).

We have planted 3 hectares of Moringa plants, and by the end of February we hope to have 10 hectares planted.
Our piggery is going strong, with 40 pigs being fed to be sold, this will bring in a steady income to the farm to help with operational costs.
We are currently selling 600 chickens a month, and God willing we will grow this to sell 220 chickens every week to the local market.

As the farm expands, the potential of its growth expands with it. The farm has been an exciting project to watch transform and is sure to make a difference in the lives of so many people in Africa.

If you would like to see the farm first-hand, you can join our upcoming Zambia trip in July 2019!

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Zambia Seminary:
Three of our students have written their final exams and we should have our first graduation for the Zambia Seminary in January 2020.





Quisque in sollicitudin lacus.


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