Malawi January 2019

In January our team visited the Hands on Africa orphanage and seminary in Malawi.  The children absolutely loved their Christmas gifts and had so much fun at their party! Thank you to everyone that made it possible! What a great opportunity to serve these people, to show them the love of Jesus. At the end of the trip...we left Malawi, blessed beyond words! 

No matter where they live, kids love presents. But most children in Africa never receive presents, there’s just no money for that if your life revolves around daily survival. Once a year Hands on Africa has a party at each of our 5 orphanages, with balloons and all the trimmings, cookies, sodas, treats, food and gifts! The aim of the Box of Hope Project is to share the love of Jesus with our children in a tangible way. It is also a reminder that there’s someone out there who cares.

All the kids received a bag full of treasures: jewelry, toys, filled toiletry bags, cookies, candy and much more.

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Making tissue paper flowers, bracelets and necklaces …. So much fun! But the cherry on the cake was the water game – everyone was involved in a competition to see who can catch the most rings.


We visited a primary school where we were able to share the love of Jesus Christ with them. Thank you Project Patricia for the constant supply of reusable washable sanitary pads.


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We have three Seminaries in Malawi who meet at different times of the year with a total of over 1000 students. Graduation with 44 Bachelors Degree in Theology and 6 Masters graduates bring the number of graduates in the Hands on Africa Seminaries to 490 to date. These are men and women who are equipped to share the Gospel effectively. But it also means changed lives – we had the privilege to pray with 22 students this semester to receive Christ as their personal Savior.






Quisque in sollicitudin lac

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